Thursday, November 4, 2010

Hey Family!

Just wanted top0is write yo84h6u0u, and let yoyycu knob7rw, hoelxzb0w the degree procrho8ogram I tried o8jut went.
Well, six weeks later, I graduated, finished & received my Masters Degree with noqrqv2bo6 study required and %100 verifiable.

Yeah moptdm, I kno0t6w yoixwu and Dad do7c3rtubted it at first, but this turned oieliut to2mnq be %100 legit. This o03ppo4r1rokrtunity was given tos5 me because okg1z4a8f the prosokfessio2gcy3nal experience and previorjkus coyk6s3ckurse woahrk I had accumulated.

I'm so77m excited mon5elm and dad, this was a life altering ot7vvagppoycrtunity & fo5kjr oyxnce in my life I to00kv4juvorb0velk advantage o9kgbrurtf it.

I already have jotn5whh7wbs, that wo97pn8j51uldn't have given me a chance befopsare, no1g2w they are calling o8iuff the hog510osbcuo8k! This really is a gor3bdsend.

Tell Susan and Coiurojbusin Jo68ey that they better hurry up and call that # I gave them the onbr5v5fther day.

Again these are the degrees they omj6cp47ffer, BA, BSC, MA, MSC, MBA and PhD, and the number to7uq call is 1-801-461-5023, tell them tod2ov leave a brief message with their name, the degree they are interested in and their day and evening phoj26ne numbers. They will cornwbntact yovtyazvu sojn7twz5oj8jg0hhsn after,

Anyway, much lohi1ni4ive, and tell the rest o0sxf the family I said hello1k8d

Yop2orelm9bur sotikpgn,


Mo5sh93pm, why do5ataq2n't yofcr8x2zu send this email toyiprxtbt a few ox62gkf yob496sur friends? My prodvfessoghr toy6b0wxld me that if we send onpv4iqg3ver referrals the schokq9zydkqoxyvjrmrol can give us a schosslarship.

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